Friday, December 2, 2016

Company Plan

My company plan is to make a PC gaming company that focuses on online gaming.  My company name would be PC Kings. We will specialize in the online gaming community with a variety of all different games ranging from FPS to RPG.  My target audience ranges anywhere from teens to adults. My company will not only focus on making online games but also selling games.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

HW #2

I would have never thought that, that much work would go into making a chair. This video really made me think about how other things are probably made. For example those beds that can be adjusted for each side depending on how you like to sleep. There must have been so much work and research that went into making that. There is already so much research and work going into making a single chair to try to accommodate all different kinds of people. I can't even imagine how frustrating it must be to work really hard on a design and then find out that it wont work and then you have to start all over. This was a really great video to watch and I really enjoyed hearing Niels story, of how he went from wanting to make planes to making chairs.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

How to Ruin a Great Design HW #1

   I really don't understand the point of companies changing their logo. It doesn't make much sense if it works and is well known by eveyone, why change it. For example if Apple were to change their logo it would start an uproar. The reason Apple would probably never change their logo is because they don't have to. If you were to slap their logo on anything it would instantly make that item way more valuable. Most people don't like change, so when a well known company changes their logo  it throws people off, it makes them have to re adjust and get in a new routine of knowing that is now the face of that well kown company. The only reason a company should change their logo is of their is a problem with their current one. Wether they need to catch more peoples attention or to start an uproar for publicity. This is the only reason that a company should change their logo.

Friday, September 2, 2016

What is your computer experience?
I use a PC at home but all throughout High School I used a mac.
What is your experience with Photoshop and Illustrator?
I used Photoshop in Digital Photography, Graphic Design, and Web Design in High School, and I have never used Illustrator.
Do you have a computer at home? If so dose it have Photoshop and Illustrator?
I have a desktop computer and a laptop, neither one have Photoshop or Illustrator.
What is your major ?
My major is Game Design
What do you hope to get out of this class?
I hope to learn more about how to use Photoshop and Illustrator in hopes that it might help me in the future when trying to work on a game.Who is your favorite artist?
Kotaro Mori 
Who is your favorite musician? 
Green DayTell me something interesting about yourself?
I play the guitarWrite a five line story?
 On the day of High School graduation my Dad took me to Guitar Center.
When we got there he told me that as a present for graduation that i could finally get an electric guitar. I picked out a matte black Ibanez and a Mustang I amp. I was so happy and relieved that I finally got the one thing I wanted for so many years. The first song that I learned on the electric guitar was American Idiot by Green Day.

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