Sunday, September 11, 2016

How to Ruin a Great Design HW #1

   I really don't understand the point of companies changing their logo. It doesn't make much sense if it works and is well known by eveyone, why change it. For example if Apple were to change their logo it would start an uproar. The reason Apple would probably never change their logo is because they don't have to. If you were to slap their logo on anything it would instantly make that item way more valuable. Most people don't like change, so when a well known company changes their logo  it throws people off, it makes them have to re adjust and get in a new routine of knowing that is now the face of that well kown company. The only reason a company should change their logo is of their is a problem with their current one. Wether they need to catch more peoples attention or to start an uproar for publicity. This is the only reason that a company should change their logo.

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